2 days Isfahan Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 45 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 2 дня

Isfahan is one of the most famous cities in Iran which most of tourist do not miss it. to visit important sights in Isfahan you need at least 2 days. in this tour you will do these:

1 day visit:

Naghshe Jahan Square (the 2nd biggest in the world), Jame Abbasi mosque, Sheykh-Lotfollah Royal Mosque, Aali-Ghapou Edifice, Ghysarie and grand bazaar of Isfahan, Chehel sotoun garden-Palace (40-pillars),

2. Armenian Zine (Christian area), Vank Cathedral, Antique Jame Mosque, 33pol Bridge, Khajou Bridge, Isfahan Music Museum+ live persian music playing in private concert.

Tour is including:

1. Tour guide

2. Transfer (Hotel to Hotel every day)

3. Entrance Tickets

* Transfer form Bus Terminal / Airport is possible. (1 way price is: 20 US $, round way: 35 US $)

Price per person:

1 Person: 9,500,000 Rial

2 Person: 5,800,000 Rial

3 Person: 4,500,000 Rial

4 Person: 4,550,000 Rial

5 Person: 4,000,000 Rial

6 Person: 3,650,000 Rial

7 Person: 3,400,000 Rial

8 Person: 3,150,000 Rial

9 Person: 3,050,000 Rial

10 Person: 2,900,000 Rial


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