Private tour of Stonehenge and Bath by car

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Русский
Стоимость 500 GBP за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 9 часов

Stonehenge and Bath by car

Tour Highlights:

Visit Mysterious Stonehenge

Roman Baths and Pump Rooms

Duration is around 9 hours

Tickets are not included.

Included driver and the guide

Start your tour with a pickup at your London hotel. Then, take a seat in your vehicle and relax on the onward journey to the UNESCO World Heritage–listed city of Bath.

Your first stop at the mysterious monument of Stonehenge. As you marvel at these millennia-old standing rocks, learn about the various theories for their function long ago.

Your second stop is Bath, the first city in England to become a UNESCO World Heritage site. See exquisite Roman and Georgian architecture, and tour the famous Roman baths fed by the city's natural hot springs. Then, visit the Pump Room, a neo-classical salon in which you can try a sip of Bath's waters. Explore the pretty streets as your private guide sheds light on over 2,000 years of Bath history — from the Roman era to today. Along the way, admire fine examples of Georgian architecture such as the famous 18th-century Royal Crescent. Learn how the city’s thermal waters attracted the Romans and stroll along original Roman streets.

Following your visit to Bath, head back to London to end your eventful day.


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