Myitkyina- Capital of Kachin State

Язык Английский
Стоимость 229 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 9 часов

Myitkyina is located in the Kachin State of Myanmar. There are Kachin, Shan,Rawan,Lisu and other tribes in the State. Myitkyina is the capital of Kachin State. So that most of the people are Kachin ethanic group. They speak Burmese and their dialect. main tourist attractions are MYITSONE- Confluence of Irrawaddy river, Jorpun Mountain, Gold digging places, The tribes museum, Big market, Aung zay yan aung Pagoda, Kachin Manaw Ground and other pagodas. am sure. really different with other cities and views.


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