Palanga Amber Museum and the Tiskevic palace

Стоимость 100 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Amber Museum belonging to Lithuanian Art Museum was founded on 3 August 1963 in a former estate of Count Feliksas Tiškevičius. The museum situated in the magnificent palace in the centre of Birute Park is one of the most visited museums in the country.

Museum containing one of the most abundant collections of amber inclusions and pieces in the world has about five thousand exhibits in total.

You can get acquainted with the amber formation, trade routes, extraction and processing in Amber Museum that was restored this year.

It is impossible to imagine Palanga without the Sea Pier, a place attracting everyone. Beautiful scenery of dunes, yellow beaches and limitless sea open before the eyes of onlooker, the sounds of the sea and shrieks of seagulls fill in the air. Evenings may be comfortably spent on the benches with loved ones watching amazing sunsets.


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