Tour to the national park Ala Archa, 1 day

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 76 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 день

Tour description

Ala Archa is a gorgeous national park that contains 20 glaciers, over 50 mountain peaks, 2 rivers, waterfalls, and springs. It stretches over 2,200 hectares and contains elevations ranging from 1,600-4,800 meters.

Tour Program

For this tour we will drive to Ala Archa National Natural Park located in the picturesque Ala Archa Gorge just 40 km outside of Bishkek. Ala Archa is a popular destination for hiking, skiing, and mountaineering including trips to more than 20 glaciers. It covers an area of 200 km2, mostly forested valleys, waterfalls, and rivers that are rich in trout. The elevation of various sections of the park ranges from 1,500 m to 4,895 m (Peak Semenov Tien Shanskii). Several rare species of fauna and the area’s famous juniper trees are under protection in this national park. It contains some very diverse wildlife: mountain meadows are the habitat of wild goats, deer, and marmots. Ala Archa National Park is one of the few places in the world that is the natural habitat of the rare snow leopard.

On the way we make several stops near a cemetery for taking pictures and to visit the grave of a national Kyrgyz hero – Baitik Baatyr, his mausoleum. Upon arrival to the park zone you can walk up along the river (the easiest route), go up to the Ak-Sai waterfall or to the alpinist cemetery. All three routes are of different levels of difficulty, but all of them are very beautiful. It is up to you which one to choose.

In the evening drive back to Bishkek.

Optional: After hiking along the river towards Ak-Sai Glacier, we can meet back at the parking lot near the park hotel for a barbeque lunch.

Drive back to Bishkek in the evening.


9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Drive from Bishkek to Ala Archa National Park.

10:00 a.m. – 17:00 p.m. Walk or hike in the gorge.

13:00 – 14:00 p.m. barbeque lunch

17:00 – 18:00 p.m. Return to Bishkek.


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