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Hear stories about Victorian Sex trade

See where prostitutes were murdered by Jack the Ripper

Explore the dark side of East End

Create your own murder theory

Explore the area which once was a place of murder, fear and total darkness. Darkness filled hearts and souls of East End Victorians. But the notorious history of the East End is dominated by only one name : Jack the Ripper.

Who was Jack the Ripper? Why was he never caught?

He was a serial killer acting in Whitechapel district on the edge of the city in the late 1880s.

Whitechapel had London’s worst slums, highest death rates and most dreadful living conditions. Women often turned to prostitution because they did not have any choice. They did that due to the economic necessity.

Without a doubt 1888 was London’s darkest year since 1666, the year of the great fire of London.

The autumn of Terror saw five East End prostitutes savagely murdered in the Whitechapel district of London by Jack the Ripper.

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