Desert Safari, Arabian nights under desert stars \6 Hrs.

Язык арабский, Английский
Стоимость 70 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

03:00 – 03:30pm Pick up from the hotels by 4WD vehicle

This is a wild desert unforgettable adventure by 4WD, we will leave Dubai city behind and let our professional safari guides drive us over the rolling and over changing dunes deep into the heart of the desert, where we can watch astonishing sandy dunes during sunset.

Arriving at the traditional Bedouin camp, we will receive a truly Arabian welcome with Arabic coffee, tea and dates, then enjoy a magical night in a desert camp where a variety of exciting activities can be experienced inside the camp, from picture taking wearing a traditional Arabic dress, enjoying the camel rides, trying the aromatic Shisha (the famous Arabic water pipe) or just simply wandering around the camp. We can also join in the fun and get ourselves into the dance floor to wind up the night.

After a fun filled afternoon, we will then feast on sumptuous Arabic style BBQ Dinner while being entertained by a belly dancer & a tanoora show. The calmness of the desert and the beauty of the Arabian skies littered with millions of stars will give a feeling of tranquility as we end our day or take another adventure by spending *overnight at the tents in the desert.

*Overnight Safari (Include Breakfast)

NOTE: We offer our elderly and physically challenged guests a separate vehicle without dune bashing.

Duration: 6 Hours

Note: this tour rate per person in sharing 4W vehicle


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