Around Bucharest: Mogosoaia and Snagov Monastery Tour

Язык Английский, Итальянский
Стоимость 45 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Itinerary: Hotel - Mogosoaia Palace - Snagov Monastery - Bucharest

Meeting with the guide, better in the morning, the group visits the Mogosoaia Palace (about 30 minutes from Bucharest), built between 1698-1702 by Costantin Brancoveanu, Prince of Wallachia. The construction style is Romanian Renaissance, a mix of Venetian and Oriental styles. The palace bears the name (Mogosoaia) of the widow of the Romanian boyar Mogoș, who owned the land it was built on. Aside from the actual castle, you can visit the basement, a church, an extra building and a really small house turned into an art museum. However, even though all these constructions are really beautiful pieces of art and culture, the best asset of this place are the gardens and the lake.

The tour continues with the visit of Snagov Monastery, the place where Vlad The Impaler, actually known as Dracula, son of Vlad Dracul, is burried. The monastery was strategically erected in the middle of a little island in order to be well defended by the turks. Besides the wall and the bridge made by wood, the settlement still keeps the medieval aspect, as it is „guarded” by only one monk that lives here and takes care of the area. Snagov monastery has the largest overall mural medieval painting preserved from all the Romanian churches.

You will be asked by the guide where is the drop-off point, but he/she will guide you in Bucharest as well, where you will see the main attractions: Romanian Atheneum, Revolution Square, Palace of the Parlament (outside view), Romanian Cathedral, CEC Bank and others.

End of the tour: Hotel or anywhere in the city.

Visit the surroundings of Bucharest in a half day city tour!


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