3 and half hour boat cruise tour & embark on a discovery of Lagos Nigeria private tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Discover Lagos Nigeria By day or by night. Enjoy a boat cruise on the Lagos Nigeria river waterways to rediscover the full splendor of the river banks and monuments of Lagos Nigeria. Families can combine culture and fun aboard the Cruise!A couple, families or group of friends can be on this boat cruise tour, gliding under one bridge to another with a view of the finest monuments, enjoy hour's of relaxation in the heart of bustling Lagos.

Private 3 hours tour , EMBARK ON A DISCOVERY OF Lagos Nigeria

By day or by night, enjoy some 's cruise on the Lagos Nigeria river waterways to rediscover the full splendor of the river banks and monuments of Lagos Nigeria.

Families can combine culture and fun aboard the Enchanted Cruise!Booking this tour , I can customize it. there are two option applicable on booking the boat cruise tour. you can choose on taking a daylight sightseeing of two and half hour or an evening cruise on the island resort and feeling every bit of the experience. Being on this tour with me, I shall pick you up from you hotel lobby or where ever your location is at any point in time in an air conditioned chauffeured SUV car or minivan depending on if it is a group tour. This exotic trip will be schedule for three hours on the cruise boat , we shall learn about the history of Lagos and point of interest in Lagos island. other island in this vicinity will be highlighted as well. completing the tour will see us return to the shore.

Tour includes:

- airport pick up and drop off

- Transportation

- entrance fees

- Logistics

- Your private local tour guide.

- Invitation letter/documents for visa acquisition.

Note: The cost of the tour package is customisable and subject to the number of tourists. Please enquire if your party is bigger than 7 pax.


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