Montepulciano Walking tour

Язык Английский, Французский, Итальянский
Стоимость 150 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Montepulciano the socalled "Pearl of Reinassance" due its development and richness to its strategic position on the top of a hill at about 605 mt on the See Level, between the Valdorcia and the Valdichiana.

During the walking tour you should take beautiful pictures of the typical tuscan landscape caracterised by green fields, vineyards, olive groves and cypresses.

Wine tasting on request is possible.

In the urban centre there are a lot of very good and very old wineries open to visitors. They should provide free tasting of Nobile red wine and Rosso red wine.

Montepulciano was choose as set for some movies such as "New Moon" (of the Twilight Saga) "Under the tuscan sun" and many others....


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