Shopping Serious- With a Marrakech Personal Shopper

Язык Английский
Стоимость 290 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 6 часов

Discovering Treasures and Hidden Shopping Secrets in Marrakech:

Our clients are from travelers looking for secrets to celebrities, officials and designers.

As a personal private shopper in Marrakesh my job is to assist you in navigating the city in search and exploration of the Moroccan Heritage from art to carpets; clothing to ceramics; carving to marquetry and jewelry to sculpture. Whether you are shopping for yourself, a special occasion or event, a gift or just to discover as a traveler; we are here to help.

We use our expertise and inside knowledge to guide you around the famous Souks and Magical Medina in search of classic, handmade and handcrafted pieces that echo the Moroccan charm.

- My professional eye will aid you find the best and most authentic.

- I will take you to some of Marrakesh secret shopping destinations, You will buy things that makes your heart sing.

Our services include:

- Shopping for Christmas

- For your kids or your parents

- For your Love, a wedding or a birthday

- Furnish your House

- Interpretation & Business help ( Craft Business )


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