Язык Английский
Стоимость 75 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 12 часов

RATU BOKO - Gate to the Past

Located in a hill, called Boko Hills, Istana Ratu Boko (Queen Boko Palace) has much more beautiful angle view than the other temple. Many people called this site Candi Boko because it is shaped like a temple. In the afternoon, the sunrise could seen in the gates of the palace. Sometimes, there are wild birds and animals that pass away in the yard. A peaceful scene is the soul of the place.

Boko Queen Palace was built during the rule of Rakai Panangkaran, a royal descent of Wangsa Syailendra. The temple used to be the meditation place for the royal family. It is divided into four buildings: the middle, the east, the west and the south east. The middle are main gate-3 metres high, a yard, a Burning Temple (crematorium), the Paseban and the Punden. The east are caves and sacred pools. The south east are the Pendopo, the Balai-Balai, temples, sacred pools and the Keputren. The west only rock hills.

After entering the main gate, there is a big yard within, the area is divided into 2 temples : White Rock Tempe and Burning Temple which was used for burning corpse. 10 metres from the Burning Temple, there is the Punden and sacred pools. People believe that the pools are lucky for who is believe in it. Hindus use the water of the sacred pools for their ritual - Tawur Agung.

In the east, there are two big caves and a big pool. The surrounding is very quiet and silent. The high cave is called Gua Lanang (man cave), the lowest is called Gua Wedok (woman cave). In front of Gua Lanang, there is a pool and three stupas. The south east being a private area of the temple. In some area, as the Keputran and The Balai-Balai, there are some holes for wood column to stand up. The area served as the residence of the royal family.

Price = USD$ 75 / person

Included : Transport + All entrance Fee + Mineral water + parking/Retribution + tax


Places we visit :

Sultan Palace

Water Castle


Boko Queen Palace

Ramayana Ballet


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