Язык Английский
Стоимость 95 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 12 часов

The private sightseeing tour includes:

Gedong Songo (Indonesian: Candi Gedong Songo) -which is a Hindu temple located in Central Java, Indonesia. The site was originally built during early period of Medang Kingdom which controlled Central Java during the 8th and 9th centuries. Similar to Dieng Plateau, Gedong Songo was built out of a volcanic stone and the two complexes represent the oldest Hindu structures in Java. Dieng and Gedong Songo predate Borobudur and Prambanan.


Many people said that twilight is a romantic and inspiring moment. It is proven from many writings that are inspired by the atmosphere of twilight, ranging from music, literary works, to photographs and paintings. Not only inspiring, but to see the moment of the sun sinking in the west is also able to create sense of calm and peaceful feeling in our hearts. One place to enjoy the evening while watching the sunset is at Borobudur Temple.

PRICING = USD$ 95 / person

WHATS INCLUDED = Private Transport + All Entrance Fees + Mineral water + Parking/Retribution + Tax + Horse in Gedong songo

WHATS EXTRA = visit pawon + mendut temple


Pick you up at your hotel at 07:00 am and go direct to Gedong songo (2.5 hours drive from Yogyakarta) drive by a private car

Spending time there for 2 hours by horse and then back to the parking car area to come inside the car

Head for Borobudur to see Sunset +- from Gedong Songo to Borobudur 1 (.5 hours if no traffic jam)

Spend some beautiful moments in Borobudur until sunset finish.


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