Yogya – Bromo – Ijen Crater Sharing Tour by Minibus

Язык Английский
Стоимость 100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 3 дня

we organized Bromo - Ijen Tour drop Ketapang by sharing with mini Bus

1.with mini Bus sharing with other people


Yogya to Bromo - Ijen drop Ketapang / sharing with another passenger

Day 01 Yogyakarta/leave at 08.00 am - by Mini Bus (AC) - 12 hours to cemara Lawang/stay one night at Bromo

Day 02 Hotel/leave at 03.30 - by jeep to Penanjakan (view point of Bromo sunrise)

and from Penanjakan at 06.00 am leave to Bromo Crater after Finish Photo season at 08.00 am return to the Hotel, after breakfast at 09.00 am in the hotel goes to Sempol Village (ijen Crater) stay one night at Katimor Homestay.

Day 03 from Homestay goes to Paltuding Post (at 04.00 am) and start to tracking to Ijen Crater (Trekking 3 Kilometers for 1,5 hours) and from Paltuding Post leave at 10.30 am to Ketapang Harbour (Ferry Station to Bali)

Standard : Sion,Nadia,Wisma Tengger USD$65 / person

Standard A : Bromo Permai,Pondok wisata USD$75 / person

Standard B : Cafe Lava Hotel,Cemara Indah USD$80 / person

Standard C : Lava View Lodge USD$100 / person

Shuttle Bus Ketapang Harbour to Gilimanuk Denpasar/Bali (Drop at the Bus Station) USD$18 / person

Note : if you wanna book this tour please Reconfirm one week before your trip via this email to make a sure,Thanks

All entrance fees are not included, you must pay by yourself and also Meals is not included.


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