Waterfall + Pindul Cave + Baron + Indrayanti Beach

Язык Английский
Стоимость 37 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 12 часов

Private sightseeing tour Introduction:

Waterfall Sri Gethuk is a kind of waterfall at the hill and near by the river, Pindul cave is a kind of cave whose river inside the cave and you can rafting with the cube on the river quite nice for adventure as long as the opak river from the mountain. Baron Beach is beach whose has many fisherman and boat parking in the beach and there are fish market there. Indrayanti Beach is white sand beach also there is a restaurant there for your lunch.all these tourism spot is in Gunung Kidul District of Yogyakarta.

Tour Duration: 8 Hours

Maximum Number of People: 5

Tour Type: Transport Based

Tour Price: Price Per Group USD $180

What's Included?

- Private Transport + Entrance Fee + Lunch + Local Guide


1 day

Destination Covered


Best Suited

All, Budget, Families, Groups, Honeymoon, Kids, Luxury, Solo travellers


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