Patzcuaro & Janitzio Island Tour

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 69 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Come to visit the only lake in the world where the local fishermen still use the famous butterfly nets. Discover the statue of "Morelos" on top of Janitzio Island, built 1933, which is actually higher to Statue of Liberty in New York, USA.

As you enjoy the nice walk to the cobblestoned streets, admire the white walls & tile roofs in the city of Patzcuaro that was a state capital as of 1534.

Try the local gastronomy at lunch break and learn about the way first Bishop Vasco de Quiroga did his best to benefit the local Indigenous with hospitals, schools and workshops to improve life based on the "Utopia" book by Thomas More. Note: Starts with 2 people in my car. It´s possible to customize this group tour to more than 3 people.


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