West Coast Tour of Cape Peninsula

Язык африкаанс, арабский, Английский
Стоимость 700 ZAR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 8 часов

On this full day tour of the underappreciated West Coast of Cape Town you will experience a live Fossil Dig in the Archaeological West Coast Fossil Park (WCFP), discover more about the San tribes that roamed the Cape thousands of years before modern man set foot at the Cape, at Kwa Tu Cultural Village, take in an afternoon Game drive at one of the Game Farms or a visit to the West Coast National Park for some bird watching and also some small wildlife.

The tour starts at 09.00 with a pick up from your lodgings and proceeds along the West Coast Route with some amazing views of Table Mountain.

10:30 Arrive at WCFP for an hour long tour of the history and live fossil excavations of the park.

11:30 Depart WCFP for Langebaan arrive at Club Mykonos Resort for lunch (optional) at the restaurant on the deck at the small harbor.

13:30 Depart Club Mykonos to the WC National Park, stop at view site and at bird hides and lunch (optional) at the old Geelbek Farm Stall

14:30 Exit the park and drive to Buffelsfontein Game Farm (BGP) and experience feeding of lions and cheetahs (optional cost of R150 p/p)

15:30 Exit BGP and drive to Kwa Tu Cultural Village

Thereafter leave for Cape Town.


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