Cederberg-Gifberg Hiking tour from Cape Town

Язык африкаанс, Английский
Стоимость 6500 ZAR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек

DAY 1:

We depart from Cape Town through the Swartland to Porterville where we shall hike the first trail of the tour. There is more than 20 waterfalls on this trail and promises to be an unforgetable tour. Our journey then continues through the Piekenierskloof Pass and Olifants River Valley to Vanrhynsdorp where we will be staying for 3 nights in Namaqua Lodge.

DAY 2:

After breakfast we depart for Gifberg, part of the Matzikama mountain range, the northernmost part of the Cedarberg mountain range. This mountain with its unique Tablemountain Sandstone rockformations, plant and animal life is sure to amaze the tourist. We will be hiking two trails - 2 km Potholes Walk and the 9 km Gifboom trail on Gifberg. Gifberg's flaura consists mainly of Cape Fynbos and here we find the very special Gifboom that is located only on this mountain, hence the name Gifberg. This plant was also used by San people in hunting expeditions. Numerous rock art is hidden in the unforgetable Gifberg and we will see evidence of these events.

DAY 3:

Today's hike is one of the well-known trails of the Cedarberg Mountains, the Wolfberg Cracks and Arch. Be sure to be stunned by the many wildlife and amazing rock formations to be seen on this 17km trail. The cracks are about 30 meters into the bowels of Wolfberg. There is also a large variety of fauna at the top and spectacular views over the Cedarberg Mountains. The Wolfberg Arch promises to leave you speachless and your camera without memory. This is a 17km hike and is recommended for the experienced hiker. This rout will take us between 7 and 9 hours to complete depending on the group.

DAY 4:

An interesting West Coast day awaits us with coastal towns holding their own culture and way of life, not to be found anywhere else. The West coast is synonymous with crayfish, snoek, bokkoms and hearty ‘West Coast People’. Our day is illuminated with spectacular sea views and West Coast towns such as Elands Bay, Dwarskersbos, Laaiplek, Velddrif and Langebaan. The Verlorenvlei and Rochers Pan are two of the birdwatchers' paradises along the coast. A soul enriched tour is ended in Cape Town.


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