Samarkand - the heart of Tamerlans empire

Язык Английский
Стоимость 70 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Discover the masterpieces of the Medieval East and plunge into the fabulous world of Islamic civilization.

The same age as Rome and Babylon, the heart of the Great Silk Road, the capital of the Temurid dynasty, the pearl of the East - all about the unique Samarkand. Accompanied by historical facts, secrets and legends you explore the main monuments of the city - ancient mosques, madrassahs and tombs. And also taste the legendary Samarkand pilau and visit the bazaar, where the gifts of Asia are abundant.

What awaits you

Samarkand across the centuries

You will walk through the most interesting and impressive places in Samarkand. You will learn how the Great Silk Road influenced him in ancient times, who attacked the city and destroyed it throughout history, and how Samarkand rose and blossomed again. I will talk about the revival of the city during the era of Amir Timur, known in Europe as Tamerlan, and show the masterpieces of architecture built during the reign of his family and survived to this day. So, the tour program:

Registan Square - «business card» Samarkand, located in the heart of the old town. I will show three majestic buildings of the complex, representing the highest achievements of the architects of the Middle Ages - the madrassa of Ulugbek, the madrassah of Sher Dor and the madrassah of Tilla Kori.

Mausoleum Gur Emir - a luxurious family tomb of Timurids. Amir Timur, his beloved grandchildren Muhammad Sultan, Ulugbek and other family members are buried here. I will tell the story of the tomb and its related legend.

Bibi-Khanum Mosque - you will see a grand, decorated with tiles, carved marble and paintings mosque, symbol of unlimited love of wife Timur to husband.

The necropolis of Shahi Zinda is one of the most mysterious architectural monuments of Samarkand. You will be impressed by a string of graceful, glittering blue tombs, where royal persons are buried and know.

Ulugbek Observatory - I will talk about the life and scientific methods of the great scientist, mathematician and astronomer Mirzo Ulugbek. You will learn how he was able to determine the coordinates of 1018 stars, which correspond to the data now computed by modern technology.


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