Picturesque Shakhrisabz-Motherland of Tamerlane

Язык Английский
Стоимость 150 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 6 часов

Shahrisabz is the same age as Rome and Athens. Founded more than 2,500 years ago, it will be remembered for its flowering gardens and vineyards, majestic mosques, palaces and mausoleums. Most of them are connected with Tamerlan. Here he was born and planned to be buried. Here his father, sons and spiritual mentor are buried. You’ll hear all about it on the tour!

Ak-Saray Palace and Shamsiddin Kullah Mausoleum

Having crossed the picturesque mountain pass Takhta Karacha, we will get to the ancient Shahrisabz. Let us appreciate the magnificent palace of Tamerlan Ak-Sarai and find on the portal his message to descendants: «If you doubt my greatness, look at my creations». In addition, I will show you the mosque with the giant blue dome of Kok-Gumbaz and the humble mausoleum of Sheikh Kulal, where Amir Temur’s father and his spiritual guide are buried. I’ll share the stories and legends that go with them.

Dorus-Saodat complex and local cuisine

We will visit the Dorus-Saodat memorial complex, where two sons of Tamerlan are buried: Jahangir and Omar-Sheikh. Here we will see the crypt, intended for Amir Temur himself. I will tell you why it has been empty for centuries. Not only Shahrisabz is famous for his story! After seeing its architectural sights, we will go to see the local cuisine. You will learn what tandyr-goose, umakai-jiz, chalop - and, if desired, you will try them.


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