Samarkand-hiking group tour around old city

Язык Английский
Стоимость 20 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 4 часа

The Pearl of the East, the Eden of the Muslim world, the Face of Earth - whatever Samarkand is called. I’m going to tell you about his tumultuous life, with its brilliant ups and downs. You will learn how Samarkand was destroyed and revived, and you will see the monuments of the epoch «Eastern Renaissance» - the moment of the highest development of the city.

Tour programm:

Mausoleum of Gur Emir - you will appreciate the magnificence of the family tomb of Tamerlan and will decipher its architectural symbols.

Registan Square - the heart of Samarkand. Here you will learn the rich history of majestic madrasahs Ulugbek, Sher Dor and Till Kori.

Shahi-Zinda is a family necropolis of the female half of Timur’s relatives and military nobility, reminiscent of a glittering azure city.

Bibi-Hanym Mosque - built by Timur for his beloved wife, it will impress you with amazing tiles, mosaics and blue domes. In the old days, this mosque had no equal in the East or the West.

Oriental bazaar - a place that will captivate you with an abundance of local sweets, nuts, vegetables and fruits.

Organizational details:

Group Walking Tour - $20 per person

Meeting at the Gur-Emir mausoleum in agreement with the management.

The price does not include entrance tickets, meals, accommodation and other expenses.

Entrance tickets for all monuments - 20-25$ per person.


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