From Tashkent - to the heart of Tien-Shan!

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 159 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 9 часов

We invite you to a day trip to the Western Tian-Shan Mountains and to the turquoise reservoir Charvak. Relax from the hot heat of the cities, breathe the crystal clear air and enjoy stunning scenery. Along the way, our experienced friendly guide will share stories about the local traditions and features of everyday life.

Amirsoy Mountain Resort. We will climb a modern gondola-type cable car up to a height of 2290 m. From the observation platform we will enjoy views of the Chatkal ridge, the village of Brichmulla and Bostanlyk district of the Tashkent region.

Walk along the mountain paths. Descending, we walk along the picturesque mountain paths. At any time of year it is beautiful and fresh, and the pristine nature fills the soul with joy and inspiration.

Charvak Reservoir. You will admire the purest water of intense turquoise color, breathe transparent mountain air and relax on a sandy beach.

Organizational details

The tour for you will be conducted by me or another guide from my team

Transportation included in the price

The cable car ticket is paid in addition - about 6 euros on weekdays, about 8 euros on weekends. This is the price for round trips.


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