Bukhara-evening walk «1000 and 1 night»

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 30 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Eastern cities night and day are two different worlds! The heat of the day, the dazzling sun, certainly add color, but the real life returns with the advent of dusk. We will stroll along Bukhara in the lights of evening lights: secluded streets, fortress of Ark, Lyabi House, where they like to rest local, madrasahs... You will visit important places and hear their amazing story.

We will not hurry and slowly walk through the most secluded streets of Bukhara

Be sure to stop at the fortress of Ark, where you will hear an interesting story about the city symbol - Kalyan minaret

Visit Lyabi House: Locals love to relax

Let us not bypass old madrasahs, mausoleums and mosques

In the fact that the excursion takes place in the evening, there is an undeniable advantage: soft coolness and complete absence of heat. All this will make our journey even more comfortable.

Organizational details

I or another guide from our team will give you the tour

Уntrance tickets are not included. During the tour you can independently visit the сomplex Lyabi-House, Toki Sarafon (dome of the money changer), Toki Telpak Furushon (dome of the headgear), Toki Zargaron (dome of jewelers), Poi Kalyan Complex (madrasa Miriab, large minaret, mosque), Arch complex.

Meeting place

Start the excursion at Pond Laby House. You will know the exact meeting place immediately after booking.


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