Hazrati Davud Cave: a sacred and picturesque place in the mountains

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 6 часов

Samarkand - a city of sacred places, and in its vicinity you can find amazing attractions. So, just 40 km from it is a unique cave Hazrat Daud (St. David) on a rocky slope. This is not only a sacred place, but also just a beautiful natural location. You will enjoy the views, and after a visit to the cave you will be able to feel the ease of soul.

We leave Samarkand at 10:00 and go to the village Aksai (40 km).

You will be at an altitude of 980 meters at the foot of the mountain, which leads to two roads: a ladder of 2000 steps and a horse trail. Depending on your physical fitness, you will choose whether to climb on foot or on horseback/donkey.

At an altitude of 1280 meters, a mosque and a viewing platform will be waiting for you, with an excellent panoramic view of the Samarkand valley.

Then the descent will begin to the cave Hazrat Daud, which leads a ladder of 200 steps. You will see the cave, go through the tunnel to the prints of the hands and feet of St. David.

Then we return to the mosque and go down a ladder of 2000 steps (descent down is available to people with any physical preparation) to the village of Aksai, from where we go to Samarkand.

Organizational details

We’ll pick you up in a comfortable car and take you back

Trip recommended for people with good physical training

Children over 12 years of age are allowed to participate

Additional fee for riding/donkey rides is $10-15/person.

Go to the place where wishes come true and admire the scenery.


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