The magic of ancient Khiva

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 70 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 4 часа

Khiva is a bright, almost timeless example of a medieval eastern city. You will walk through the old winding streets, visit the wonderful mosques, mausoleums and palaces. And I will tell you about the great civilization of Khorezm, Khiva khans and architects. I will show you all the most interesting things and help you touch the local atmosphere.

Old town of Khiva

We will walk through authentic Old Town, surrounded by mighty defensive walls. It has hardly been reconstructed and has retained its original appearance to the present day. The excursion program:

Kalta-Minor - you will appreciate the only minaret of Central Asia, completely covered with colored bright blue tiles. This decorative detail makes an incredible impression!

Juma Mosque - we will visit an unusual mosque, which has no portals, domes, galleries and courtyard. The ceiling of its large hall rests on 213 wooden columns: you will find out where they were delivered, and admire their amazing carving.

Mausoleum Pakhlavan Mahmud - I will show you an ancient architectural complex and tell you about buried in it Sufi saint.

Tash-Howley Palace - you will walk around the main palace of Khiva Khans in the 19th century and learn how they lived.

Organizational details:

The tour for you will be conducted by me or another guide from my team

Complex entrance ticket to the Old City is paid additionally - 12$ per person


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