Lake Ypacarai and San Bernadino Tour from Asuncion

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 6 часов

This tour will have pickup at your hotel and lead you through Asunción to the towns of Ypacarai and San Bernadino, then back to your hotel in Asunción. From time to time Paraguay experiences internet disconnections so sending us a message early is best. On this tour, you will receive a brief history of the local customs and current events, as well as a sampling of the local cuisine if you prefer. The itinerary is flexible and determined by you, with numerous sights to see.

The tour will take you through the cities of Luque, Aregua and then Ypacari. On the way to Ypacari, the lake will appear. This lake is a major water body located in Paraguay about 25km east of Asunción. The lake lies in the western part of the Asunción-Sapucai-Villarrica graben, a tectonic depression of the Mesozoic age, and drains to the northwest through the Salado River into the Paraguay River. The lake is surrounded by three cities: Aregua, Ypacarai and San Bernardino, the latter two being located on its shores.

The trip will continue to San Bernadino where you will do a walking tour of the town and its mansions as well as a tour of the lake. If you go during the months of January and February, this sleepy little town becomes a vacation and party town for Paraguayans during their break from school or work. There are many night clubs to attend and the Paraguayans really enjoy meeting new people. In January and Febuary, San Bernadino is crowded and it is a popular place for people to meet. It is recommended to go during these months where you can make plans to stay and party with the locals. If water sports are to your liking, then you can rent small boats to go on to the lake or rent wave runners (cost not included).


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