Private Day Tour: Luque and Aregua from Asuncion

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 6 часов

Enjoy this private tour throughout the cities of Paraguay with an English-speaking guide. From time to time Paraguay experiences internet disconnections so sending us a message early is best. The tour guide will give a brief history of the local customs and current events throughout both Lugue and Arega. Enjoy round-trip transportation, along with visiting the areas of your choice in each city.

Begin your day with a pickup from your central Asuncion hotel. After boarding the vehicle, head to your destination, Luque, the home of the harp. Luque was temporarily the capital of Paraguay in 1868 during the Paraguayan War before relocation to San Estanislao. Upon your arrival, start the tour by driving past the South American Football Museum. As you cruise by, you will also notice the Bourbon Conmebol Asunción Convention Hotel.

Once you have finished in Lugue, make your way to the city of Aregua, the home of Paraguay's world famous pottery. See all the local pottery shops and pottery making. View Lake Ypacarai at a panoramic angel from the church of Aregua.

Next, stop by the lakefront where you will witness the impressive landscape of rolling hills and distinctive rock formations. Afterwards, walk the streets and observe the local pottery shops with your guide before heading back to your Asuncion accommodations.


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