Trip to cuidad del este and iguazu falls

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 600 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 2 дня

Visit the city of Cuidad del Este on the border of Paraguay, Brazil and Argentine. From time to time Paraguay experiences internet disconnections so sending us a message early is best. The famous triple border city is home of the famous mercado, known to be one of the biggest shopping areas of the world, where it is said you can buy anything, After doing some shopping the tour will cross the border and go to the famous iguazu falls, one of the largest water falls in the world and part of the iguazo national park with its enormous biodiversity. Guests will have the option of whether to stay in paraguay or brazil for the night, and whether to stay in inexpensive or luxury accomodations for the night.

Pickup at the hotel at 8 am and travel to the city of 'cuidad del este'. Arriving at cuidad del este at 3pm. Visiting the mercado till 7pm where the group can also eat dinner and the multitude of different dining areas and choose from many different cuisines. Please note that the mercado is an enormous place and large numbers of people from many different countries go to shop there due to the extremely low prices available so please stay close to the group and be alert because it is an extremely busy place. The mercado is known for extremely low priced electronics but please be aware that there may not be a warranty. Afterwards it is off to the hotel or hostel depending on the tourists choices. The next day after breakfast it is off to the national park and iguazu falls. The group returns to asuncion by 10pm or later depending on when the group wants to leave cuidad del este.


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