Elephant Interaction and Lion & Safari Park

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1890 ZAR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов

Elephant Encounter & Lion & Safari Park

Departure 07h30 to 16h00

You will be collected from your hotel at 07h30 and driven to a reserve a mere 45 minutes away. On arrival we will sit outside on the deck overlooking some of the most scenic area in the Magaliesberg whilst enjoying light beverages.

We then all get onto an open 4 x 4 Game Viewer and head off in search of the elephants, the matriarch (Known as Three) and her two calves Marti and Hanna as your escort. During the drive you will encounter a host of different antelope such as Blesbok, Blue Wildebeest, Impala and many more. On finding the Elephants we then get off our vehicle and spend half an hour with them. Here I will be taking picture for you so that you can enjoy the full moment of it, and not through the lens of a camera. After the personal relationship that you have built with them, we then get back onto the game viewer and head back to the lodge knowing you have connected with one of Mother Nature’s most awesome creatures.

On returning to the lodge, we then set off for the Lion Park that now spans an area of about 800 hectors. On arrival you are again put onto an open game viewer that will take you on a tour of the predator camps as well as the open plains to a variety of antelope. This will take us about 2 hours to complete and on returning we can sit on the deck of the Wetlands Restaurant where you can purchase something to eat and don’t be surprised if a giraffe does not walk up to you and entice you to share it with her. After an eventful day you will be transported back to your hotel knowing that you have truly had an experience and memories that will last a life time.

Pricing (Per Party) : 1 Person @ R3390: 2 to 4 @ R1890 per person: 5 & up @ R1650 per person


Dress code: Comfortable clothing and

walking shoes

Cap and sun screen lotion.


The tour will comprise of the following:

Shuttling to and from the Hotel.

Open Game drive to find the elephants

and In-depth information and insight into

African Elephants

2-hour Open game viewer tour of Lion &

Safari Park and predator camps

The tour will be photographed and

loaded onto your mobile device or



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