Lesedi Cultural Village

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1760 ZAR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

Lesedi Cultural Village Tour : Departure 10h00 to 15h00

We invite you to experience the spirit of Ubuntu at this Unique Cultural Venue where the people of Lesedi welcome you with music, song and the warmth of Africa. Let the sound of the Marimbas take you into Musi’s Ndebele Theatre to be transported through South Africa’s history from the Cradle of Humankind to the Cultures of Lesedi. As you are taken from Village to village, meet some of the great tribes being Zulu, Pedi, Basotho and Xhosa where our great farther Nelson Mandel comes from and be introduced to their different and diverse cultures you will understand just how unique and beautiful our country is. Once your tour is completed you will be taken into the central boma to be entertained by all the different dances and yes you will also be given the chance to join in and feel the vibe of African dancing. After your dancing and a raging appetite you will sit down to a traditional feast with the chief himself.

Local families live permanently in each of these five homesteads and visitors are invited to observe the African way of life by either enjoying a short tour of the villages or actually living among these families in guest accommodation, offering all the necessary modern day amenities and comforts discerning visitors are accustomed

Rate Structure (Per Party):

1 Person @ R2250:

2 to 4 Persons @ R1760:

5 Persons & up @ R1450


Dress code: Casual & Comfortable

walking shoes.


The tour will comprise of the following:

Shuttling to and from the Hotel.

Introductory film on the history of our


Tour of the 4 main villages.

Witness and participate in the different

dances in our central boma.

Traditional lunch with the chief himself.

Cooler box with ice cold water.

During the tour photos will be taken and

placed in a dropbox for you to retrieve.


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