Cullinan Diamond Mine Underground Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 2150 ZAR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Cullinan Diamond Mine Underground Tour: Departure 08h00 to 17h00

Happy Meter

Be collected from your Hotel and proceed to the unique village of Cullinan, named after Sir Thomas Cullinan, bears the distinction of being the site of discovery of the world's largest diamond.

Underground Tour: On arrival you will be kitted out into an overall, boots and hard hat before getting into a vehicle that transports you to the mine operational site. Here you are given a head lamp and survival kit before heading off to the shaft that will drop you 750 meters below the surface. Professional guides will take you through a maze of shafts right up to the working site where the diamonds are found. The tour will also comprise of a visit to the big hole and areas that are visited in the two hour tour.

Pricing Structure per Party:

(Min 2 pax) 2 Persons @ R2150: 3 to 4 persons @ R 1550: 5 persons & up @ R1350


Dress code: Comfortable walking shoes.


The tour will comprise of the following:

Shuttling to and from the Hotel.

Introductory film on the discovery of diamonds.

Tour of the mining houses.

Underground and surface tour as well as the Big hole.

Cooler box with ice cold water.

During the tour photos will be taken and placed in a dropbox for you to retrieve.

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