Baku Half-Day Walking Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 4 часа

Baku half-day walking tour includes the most important spots and information about the city. The tour is ideal for tourists on business trip that do not have enough time to spend on full-day tours, and for those who want to feel the real Baku.

There are so many reasons to choose this tour, and so many to book me for this tour. I have spend whole my life in Baku and with my traveler soul I discover my city everyday. Baku is a dynamic city and there is a rapid change. I will assist you to enjoy its modernity and imagine its past.

s this tour is designed for those who have less time to spend on tours, the itinerary is very flexible. Location and time to start the tour is flexible, and can be discussed with guest. I can start the tour from any spot that is ideal for the guest. And, any time customer wishes

The tour includes walking by "MUST SEE" highlights of Old city. Distant view but no entrance: Maiden Tower, Palace of Shirvanshahs, Miniature books museum (closed on Monday, Thursday) Oil Barons' houses 19th century. It also passes by Nizami street by visiting creative centres and art cafes.

(Please, contact me for more details and special program. )

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