Стоимость 77 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 8 часов

One of the most beautiful and best kept getaways in El Salvador: a series of swimming pools with steamy hot waters from natural springs surrounded by a lush nature, coffee forest and geysers on the skirts of the volcanic Apaneca Mountain Range. This hot springs and gardens will make you feel good as new. Bring your best book and leave your stress drawn.

Part of a state-of-the-art coffee mill, this private Resort has a series of swimming pools with mineral rich waters from natural springs. Gardens, fountains, hammocks under the shade of the trees, the sound of running waters, singing birds, spa & massage and volcanic mud treatments plus a full bar and restaurant service will relax your body and mind.

The province of Ahuachapán is located on the Westernmost end of El Salvador on the slopes of Apaneca Mountain Range, and formed by a dozen volcanoes, some of then still active.

As a result of that volcanic activity many fumes, geysers and hot springs may be found all over.

One geothermal plant generates power out of the hot steam from beneath.

All this activity also creates geysers with boiling sulfur waters you can see. In fact, the largest live geyser in Central America is found here.

Complete your experience with a massage or some sulfur-mud bath that will make you feel some years younger.

Tour details: Located just one hour from San Salvador we’ll pick you up at your hotel and you can spend the day using the pools and the facilities of the Resort. Meals and drinks service available at the restaurant.

Overnight staying available upon request.77


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