Ohrid + Monastery St. Naum of Ohrid

Язык Английский, хорватский, Slovene, Serbian
Стоимость 120 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

Welcome to our "Pearl of the Balkan". City protected by UNESCO from 1980, unique and special in so many different things.

On our city tour we will visit the most unique and oldest churches(from XI-XIV century) in the Old town of Ohrid. The first Universe in Europe, Roman Antique theatre,Samuil's Fortress, National museum etc. will be our must stop places. You will enjoy in the magnificient view of one of the world's oldest lakes. Around lunch time you can taste the world known fish - Ohrid trout and have some free time in the Center. In the afternoon we will visit the most popular Monastery in Macedonia, Monastery St. Naum. It is situated 28km from the center of Ohrid and only 1 km next to the Albanian border. After visiting the church, originally created in the IX cent. our tour will continue to the main springs of Ohrid Lake and river Crn Drim which are on 10 min driving time with a small boats. There, you will have oportunity to enjoy in a magnificient view and amazing nature in a high protected eco area. Departure to Ohrid will be at the end of the day.


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