City Tour & Table Mountain Aerial Cableway

Язык Английский
Стоимость 2500 ZAR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 5 часов

The City Tour includes the ascent to the summit of Table Mountain via the aerial cableway. You will experience the spectacular 360-degree views of Cape Town's City Bowl, Robben Island, Lions Head, Table Bay, and our beautiful coastlines beyond.

The walking portion of the tour will allow you to soak in the history inclusive of Company's Garden, Green Market Square, District 6 Museum, or "Truth to Power" the exhibit of the life of Archbishop Desmond Tu Tu, and Bo Kaap the Cape Malay area.

A lunch stop can be arranged in the City Center or in the Cape Malay area which features the cuisine of the Malays.

***Ticket for Table Mountain AerialCableway is not included in the tour price.***

I will collect you from your Cape Town City or Atlantic Seaboard hotel and drop you off.***


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