Rocket Launch at Baïkonur on the 7 dec and 17 dec 2017

Язык Английский, казахский, Русский
Стоимость 299 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 3 дня

Baïkonur Space Port – Rocket Launch

It’s time to tick an item off your bucket list.

Have you ever wanted to see a rocket launch?

Will you be in Kazakhstan on December 7th or December 17th?

Two launches are planned from Baïkonur Space Station in Kazakhstan before the end of 2017.

It is very expensive to get on-site and you need to send your application to the Russian government months is advance.

We have the alternative: The Kazakh Steppe is huge and flat… we can see that launch from very far away. So, let’s watch it from the steppe, a few kilometers from it, have a Kazakhs-style picnic and take a drive around the space port.

Cost: 350.00 $ per person, a saving of up to 60%


Day 1 – arrival of guests (by train/bus), pick up and transfer to Hotel in Toretam

Day 2 – Drive to Kazakh Steppe

o Watch Rocket Launch (day or night)

o Lunch/Dinner on the steppe

o Trip along the spaceport

o Drive to Aralsk

o City tour of Aralsk

o Dinner/Snack at local hotel/restaurant

o Night at local hotel

Morning of day 3 – transfer to train/bus station to continue on your trip/go back home, or …. look at our Rocket Launch and Aral Sea Excursion if you have more time.

A deposit of 20% will be asked for upon reservation. 10% will be returned if the date of the launch should change and you can't make it anymore.

Photo credit: Kest Vladimirovich


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