Waterfall, Cave and Grottos Day Tour

Язык Английский, Немецкий, португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 день

Known on the Amazon as the Land of waterfalls, Presidente Figueiredo is home to the most beautiful waterfalls near Manaus. From Manaus to Presidente Figueiredo County, you will spend a pleasant day touring. Whether you choose hiking in the jungle, exploring the caves and grottos, swimming, or just relaxing in a natural pool, a falls excursion is a great way to begin or cap off your vacation in Manaus.

The Presidente Figueiredo territory provides breathtaking natural scenery including rich fauna and flora, waterfalls, natural pools, rapids, narrow waterways and navigable rivers.

The area holds various scenic trails in the forest with hidden beautiful waterfalls, caves and grottos and natural pools.

We leave Manaus at 08: 00 am the return is at 5: 00 pm or it can be combined.

Our prices includes: visit to Maroaga cave, Sanctuary waterfall, Iracema Falls, 3 different grottos and drive around the town.

The price alsoi includes: Licensed english speaking guide, car with air conditioned, lunch, all entrace fees.


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