Private transfer to/from Tbilisi-Yerevan

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 250 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Private transfer service manage transfer from Yerevan (Armenia) to the Tbilisi (Georgia) city center. We offer an affordable and high quality transfer service. All the cars are equipped with air conditioning system. We provide 24 hour service. Our representative will be waiting you in the lobby hall at the hotel (Yerevan). Our friendly drivers will accompany you to your doorstep with a smile. Our car will be there only tell us the preferable departure time and the name of the hotel in Tbilisi. Don't forget your documents because we will cross the Yerevan-Tbilisi border. At the border you will have to cross separate from the driver and the vehicle. You can choose any drop off point in Tbilisi.


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