One day Yangon city tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 120 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 11 часов

Once upon a time, Yangon was the capital of Mon dynasty in 15th century. But, the British force came to Rangoon, it was only a small fisherman village. In 1852, the British army engineer transformed the small village to the capital of Burma in delta land.

Yangon became the capital of Myanmar until 2004 before the government relocated the capital to Naypyidaw. Yangon has not only beautiful pagodas but also beautiful colonial buildings with many parks and trees. You will enjoy visiting Yangon or Myanmar.

This is my tour itinerary-

Visit the downtown area of Yangon where you can see beautiful colonial buildings and proceed to the stand hotel. Visit Botahtaung pagoda and Scott market. Lunch at the local restaurant and visit Inya lake and U Thant museum, the third secretary general of the United Nations. Continue on a visit Kabar Aye pagoda and reclining Buddha. Visit Shwedagon pagoda.Overnight in Yangon.

Guide fees, the modernized air-conditioned car with driver, the cold towels and drinking water are included.


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