The wild section of the Great Wall

Язык Армянский, Английский
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 8 часов

You will see the original of the history

Built in 1404, Jiankou Pass Great Wall is in a shape of the letter “W”, like arrow nock which is called “Jiankou” in Chinese. The section is centered by Huairou with its east to Mutianyu Great Wall and west to Dazhenyu Great Wall. With 47 watch towers, Jiankou Pass collects the inside and outside great walls from three directions. From east to northwest, it locates the diversified and metrical attractions including “arrow nock”, “The Sky Stair”, etc. With most of the parts built on the perilous peak of mountains, Jiankou Pass Great Wall overlooks spectacular. Famous for its steepness, this section of great wall is regarded as the preserved one with the brightest feature of great walls in Ming Dynasty. Jiankou Pass Great Wall has attracted numbers of famous photographers in and abroad and enthusiasts of Great Wall heading for its beauty.

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