Rugged Cliffs, idyllic coves ,sand beaches and picturesque sea ports / Acantantilados,calas y puertos a un paso de Bilbao

Язык Basque, Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 40 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

This half day walking tour combines the metropolitan Bilbao area with the scenic surrounding coastal towns. Whilst savoring the natural beauty you can learn about the history, culture, wildlife and gastronomy of the Basque Country.

The tour takes you along the cliffs of La Galea, the sandy beaches of Sopelana and hidden coves like Meñakoz as well as bunkers dating back to the Spanish Civil War and the popular seaports of Getxo and Plentzia. Weather permitting a visit to the Billano Cape lighthouse where you can experience the breathtaking panoramic views of the Basque coast.

The basic tour includes:

. picnic made with local produce and refreshments.

. hike across the cliffs of La Galea

. refreshments on a terrace with sea views to Sopelana Beach

. weather permitting swimming in coves or beaches

. a walk across the sea promenade at Plentzia Bay

. Trekking on Ermua mountain and visit its holm oak forest, lighthouse and the historical coastal batteries and bunkers

These 18 km-long tours can be done entirely on foot or be divided in part using Bilbao’s metro network which runs parallel to the route making it accessible to all. The return journey will be made by underground.

Walkers must provide their own suitable attire and footwear, swimwear, towel, raincoat and flask.

All client’s requirements are welcome to customize the tour according to any special interests, simply contact your guide on booking.

Additional tour options listed below:

. Seafood and “pintxos” (tapas) at Getxo traditional fishing port

. Surfing lessons at Sopelana or kayaking in Butroi estuary of Plentzia

. Traditional lunch in Plentzia

. Additionally, transport inbetween sightseeing points can be provided on request

. Shuttle available to other places of interest like Butroi Castle, San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, Urdaibai ...


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