Язык Английский, португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 200 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 4 часа

The basic introduction of Prague. Allow me to invite you on a sightseeing tour of the city which  19th Century philosopher Bernard Bolzano once called (what is he famous for)“a city of a hundred towers”. We will begin our tour in Wenceslas Square, the centre of the New Town, where the Czech history was written,then we will continue to the Old Town Square, one of the oldest marketplace in Prague, with the historic Town Hall and world-famous Astronomical Clock, dating back to 1410, with its 12 apostles in the Old Town,then we´ll see the native House of Franz Kafka- the famous Jewish writer. We continue through Paris Street, the Jewish Quarter with the Old Jewish Cementary and the Synagogues.We pass through Klementinum and Rudolfinum, which is the home-stage of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, then we will cross the Charles Bridge,you will  be enchanted by the Lesser Quarter, dominated by Saint Nicholas´ Church. From there we will go up to the hill and start our walk along Prague Castle, where Czech kings had their offices, to see the St.Vitus Cathedral, where the Czech Crown Jewels are kept and where King Charles IV, the father of the country, is buried.


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