Step On Tour Guide

Язык Английский, Итальянский, Испанский
Стоимость 340 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 4 часа

Welcome to the City of Angels! Explore the different sides of Los Angeles, from its historic beginnings to its movie-famous beaches. Learn about the people, the culture, and landmarks that have made Los Angeles a favorite destination. Enjoy the must-see places of LA such as Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and the beaches!

This is step-on tour guide service for your group up to 50 people. If you would like more/less hours of touring or have special requests, feel free to send me a message. We can also arrange the itinerary to have more time at a specific place or to switch what we will start with depending what part of the city the group is starting from and traffic.


This is a tentative itinerary, but may be customized according to group preferences.

Starting from your location of choice in Los Angeles, I will hop on to your bus/vehicle and we may see the following points of interest, or as customized by the group per our messages.

- Griffith Observatory to see the Hollywood sign and a view of the city

- Stop at the Hollywood Walk of Fame to see the famous stars and to see the Chinese Theatre (where the hands and footprints of favorite celebrities are) and the Dolby Theatre (where the Oscars are held)

- Cruise by the famous Sunset Strip

- Stop by the Beverly Hills sign and cruise by Rodeo Drive


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