West Donegal and Highlands Private Day Excursion.

Язык Английский
Стоимость 300 GBP за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов

This tour leaves from Derry and travels into Donegal on a full day trip around West Donegal and Highlands.

Learn the history from your private guide as you travel through the towns and villages of County Donegal. Letterkenny is the largest town area in Donegal and was once a major port in the area.

From there we go in towards the villages of Kilmacrenan and Doon Rock, the inauguration stone of the O'Donnell's and Termon and on towards the Derryveagh mountain range and Glenveagh National Park and take in the history of the area.

It's on then, passing Mount Errigal-the tallest peak in Donegal- and stopping for a photo opportunity at the Poison Glen and Gweedore Gaeltact (Irish speaking area) with it's spectacular views. Beaches and mountains Donegal has it all. Up to 4 people.


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