Walking through the city history

Язык Bosnian, Хорватский, Английский, Serbian
Стоимость 80 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 3 часа

A rich and great history of the city in a walking tour through the city fortress, center, pedestrian streets, churches, mosque and synagogue


Nis fortress, the largest historic monument and by far, the biggest middle age heritage of this city, with the area of more then 22 hectare (54 acres). It was built in the early XVIII century and today represents one of the most beautiful and well preserved fortresses on Balkan peninsula. A walking tour inside of the fortress and then across the bridge on the other side, King Milan’s square and pedestrian street „Obrenovic“ all the way to the Tinkers alley, an old and unique small part of former „turkish“ street from XVII and XVIII century. Other sites includes: the main building of the University of Nis, city hall, a monument dedicated to Nadezda Petrovic, one of the biggest serbian painter and the founder of famous art colony in Sicevo gorge, to monument dedicated to the victims of bulgarian army in 1821, monument of the Liberators of Nis, an old centre of the town with buildings built in XVIII and XIX century, the square of Stevan Sremac – famous serbian writer, a monument dedicated to Stevan Sremac and famous cities hunter Kalca.....


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