Chobe Overnight Glamping (Glamorous Camping)

Язык Английский
Стоимость 375 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 2 дня

An overnight Trip to Chobe National Park in Botswana.

An ideal opportunity to experience the amazing fauna and flora that Africa has to offer.

The mobile safari operators have privately designated campsites inside the park that are not accessible by the normal public allowing you a more private an exclusive safari.

The camps are often deep within the National Park meaning you get to see parts of the park that guest staying in Kasane and doing day trips don't get to see.

Staying overnight inside the Chobe National Park, on a camping safari without doubt gives you the opportunity to experience it in the best possible way.

07:00 - Guests will be picked up from their hotel, in a closed bus, and proceed on a 70km journey through the countryside to the Kazungula border.

08:00 - Arrival at the Kazungula Border, where guests will exit Zimbabwe/Zambia and enter Botswana. At the border guests will change vehicles and will be met by their Botswana guide.

08:30 - Once guests have gone through Botswana immigration, they will take a short drive to Chobe Marina lodge

08:45-09:00 - Arrival at the hotel where guests will have a short bathroom break, and will also be required to fill out the Park Entry form.

09:30 - Guests will depart on their activity: either game drive or boat cruise. Guests will specify which activity they prefer.

12:30 - Return to the hotel for an a la carte or buffet style lunch with a selection of traditional and modern meals to choose from.

13:30 - Guests will depart for afternoon activity - either boat cruise or game drive

18:00 - Drive Towards Camp, check in and freshen up (warm or cold shower available)

1900 - Drinks around the fire for a relaxed atmosphere, then Dinner follows

Mattress raised from ground by stretcher bed, lights inside and flaps to enjoy the stars and fresh air through out the night,

Day 02

0530 Breakfast

0600 Early morning Drive to exit park

0845 end of tour ...

0900 Transfer back to your Hotel....

$750 for 2 people




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