Marais Neighborhood Walking Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 225 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Come take an insiders stroll through the lovely Marais, one of the oldest and historical areas of Paris. Marais expert Richard Nahem (he has lived in the area since 2005) will share with you breathtaking, historic buildings and private mansions dating back to the 1600s, beautiful manicured parks and gardens and some of the finest galleries and small, jewel-like museums. Discover the city’s chicest home and clothing boutiques and food lovers can feast at some of the top food shops, patisseries, and chocolate shops. The tour also includes a visit to the Jewish Quarter exploring synagogues, the Shoah Memorial, and the tasty Jewish food shops. Enjoy this unforgettable tour of a truly magical part of Paris. Tour includes a stop at an award winning bakey for a pastry and a coffee. (Not included in price).


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