St. Germain des Prés Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 225 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 часа

St. Germain des Prés is one of the most beloved areas of Paris. As a former hub for writers and artists like Hemingway, Picasso, and F. Scott Fitzgerald in the 1920s, it still has a unique, carefree vibe that is unparalleled. From its lavish 19th-century Belle Époque–style buildings to its top antiques and contemporary art galleries, to its famous people-watching cafés, St. Germain des Prés is the quintessential Paris experience. Tour also includes a visit to the magnificent Luxembourg Gardens, the 17th century St. Sulpice Church, the second largest in Paris (also written about in The DaVinci Code), a bakery known for its scrumptious macaroons, and a stroll down a street known for its cafes and delicious food shops.


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