Cortona & Montepulciano – jewels of Tuscany

Язык Английский
Стоимость 300 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 6 часов

Cortona and Montepulciano are typical hill towns that face each other across a huge and fertile valley, the Val di Chiana. In this area you can experience and discover history and culture from the most ancient civilizations up to modern times. Passing through classic romantic Tuscan countryside, you can also discover wild areas that the typical tourist never sees. Cortona and Montepulciano are well known for their DOC wines, the most famous Nobile and Syrah. Both towns and their surroundings are filled with cantine and world-famous wineries.

The hikes will take you through a uniquely linear, almost geometric landscape of hills, vineyards, and olive trees. This area has been rendered so memorably in books and films such as Under the Tuscan Sun. You will walk through a Renaissance painting, a landscape of blue sky, golden ochers, and lush greens.

The Val di Chiana is also rich in traces of the Etruscan and Roman civilizations. We talk about paved roads, walls, gateways and tombs. These fascinating remnants can all be admired during a walking trip in the region.


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