Sound and Light Show:

Язык Голландский, Английский
Стоимость 45 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов

Enjoy the Pyramids Sound and Light Show in Giza.Hear the story of Egypt as seen through the eyes of the Sphinx over the ages. Music, lights and dramatic storytelling bring the ancient Pyramids of Giza to life in this unique and memorable evening.


The representative of the company will pick you up from your hotel in Cairo or Giza. And will accompany you to the Giza plateau. Enjoy the sound and light show at the pyramids of Giza. The show begins in the evening after dusk, and when you view the pyramids and the Sphinx you’ll see them completely illuminated by lasers and lights for an enthralling 1-hour show.

The show will start with the story of Sphinx; the mythical creature which consists of a head of human and a body of lion created to guard the city of the dead for five thousand years. The show will continue to narrate the historical story of building the three pyramids of Cheops, Chephren and Mykerinus, and the history of the ancient famous figures.

Cost Includes:

• All transfers by a private air-conditioned vehicle.

• Pick up services from your hotel & return.

• Tickets to the sound and light show.

• Bottled water during your trip.

• All taxes & service charge.

Cost Doesn’t includes:

• Any extras not mentioned in the itinerary.

• Personal Expenses.

• Gratuity.


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